Saturday, July 2, 2011

Bible College Ministry

Tonight I saw a photo on a fellow missionary's page and Denny and I are in it. A photo from 1988. Is 1988 really that long ago? Where have these past 23 years gone? We look so young in the photo. Let's see that would put us in our thirties. Yes I guess it was a long time ago!

Seeing this picture took me way back in my memory bank. We didn't have Ryan and Renee yet, we had just left a successful youth pastor position, we had been through a very rigorous 11 month itineration cycle to raise the budget and we had spent one year in Costa Rica to learn Spanish. We were finally in Spain. Denny's original plan was to work with teenagers in France. But in December of 1987 we very excitedly landed in Madrid.

As I am thinking about our history tonight, I am trying to figure out why Spain, why the Bible College? Why missions? How do all the life puzzle pieces make sense? We certainly had no idea when we left Zion that we would be in Jamaica today at the Bible College.

All the things that you dream of don't always come to be, other things come in and take their place and new dreams are realized. Denny was not going toward a ministry of education way back in the early days of our marriage and then suddenly Spain changed our direction. Because of that one decision to go to Spain the rest is history! Today Den is coming down the home stretch of completing his doctorate of missiology. Teaching in the Bible College is where he is most fulfilled. I wonder if the professors he had in Zion would be surprised! I don't have to wonder, I KNOW they would be surprised, shocked would be a more appropriate word!

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