I'm very excited to be a guest blogger for my beautiful mother! I just returned from an Missionary Kid (MK) retreat in San Jose, Costa Rice and I seriously didn't want to leave my fellow MK's. The entire trip was wonderful from the food to the pool to the zip-lining. But it was more than socializing. The Southwestern A/G University worship team "Ransom" led us in worship and our speaker Parker spoke to us as fellow MK's. He grew up on the mission field too.
The night before I left home, I was terrified of flying alone. That was my biggest concern but once in the airport I was totally fine thanks to a crazy good pre-planner (Denny Seler). In Miami I met up with who would be my tribe leader AJ and we flew down to Costa Rica together. The 40 MK's who were there just got to know each other for a few hours until dinner (a tasty burger with Coca Cola. =D). Then we went to service where worship was slightly reserved, mainly because it was our first night and we all had left home really, really early to get to Costa Rica. Parker introduced our main topic; being made in God's image and we met up with our tribes and by lights out at midnight we were all dead in our bunk beds.
The next morning we woke up to cereal for breakfast and then Run and Roar in the morning until we got some snacks. They fed us really well. At run in roar we basically played goofy games to get points for our teams (I was a guinea pig.) Some of these were getting mentos our of a bowl of flour (I almost threw up) and eating the most peanut butter (someone did throw up). The games were so ridiculous but we had so much fun. We also discovered duct tape doesn't work on everything when we couldn't duct tape someone to the wall (off the ground) and make her stay there. ;)
We also had a worship/devotion service at ten fifteen in the morning and at seven at night. After the first night of worship, it just got better and better and by our last night of service on Friday night,I can't even describe how God moved in that place. People (including myself) were just on their knees or crying or jumping. I can honestly tell you that not one person left the way they came. Everyone was and is so excited to see what God is going to do in their countries.
So, Friday was zip lining. We drove there (singing in our foreign MK language-sure the diver was sick of us haha) and when we arrived, went to the bathroom and started an hour hike to the top of the mountain. I seriously didn't think I would make it at some point towards the end. Zip lining down was the best part. After ensuring maximum safety (I hope) we took off. On the second longest line, i braked too soon and had to pull myself up. I think I made the guy kinda mad. Haha...anyway then there was a line that led us to a platform. Well, it acted as a platform. It was really a fence built 90 feet above the ground that we could easily see the ground. From here, we could take another zip line or drop 90 feet held only by a rope and the employees arm strength. So of course, I did the drop. That was the scariest sensation ever.
Our last night we had a talent show. That was crazy fun and the winner (who sang a song in Spanish-beautiful!) won an album on itunes as did the winning team. They won by getting points for this amazing rap and song. It was just awesome.
I had the best five days! I genuinely did not want to leave. I made these beautiful friends who more than understand, they thrive in what it is to be an MK. And when we get together, we're more than crazy and fun. We're young people who have been made in God's image, designed and chosen to live in our place at this specific time in not only our lives, but in the lives of those we touch. And we know that even when we mess up and do something stupid, God doesn't just decide to be done with us. He knew when we were made that we would sin. He knew we were incapable of perfection, but He still chose us. I can thank Parker for telling me this.
I'll end with this; At the end of the retreat, my voice was gone from screaming so much. I was praying and I asked God to take away my baggage and stupidity and to give me a beautiful heart and I know He did. One by one, every piece of ugly I had on me was gone. I was then sitting in His presence and I just asked Him to speak to me. All I heard was "Daughter" and that hit home. That reminded me of what I said above, how He was very well aware we would sin but that I can still sit in His presence with his arms around me and love Him. And He loves me so much more than that.
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