It is interesting that you don't see the young or middle-age but always the older citizens with their head load....seriously how can they do that?
Yes I know about the cap that makes it easier but I have seen many people without the cap, how does their neck handle it? How do their shoulders feel? How does their back stay up straight?
I think this will always amaze me.
This makes me think of the scripture in Galatians, "Bear ye one another's burdens and so fulfil the law of Christ." I wrote a sermon one time, making the difference between a burden and a load. The Greek word for "bear" is baztazo. It means to "to hold" or even to physically embrace. How can I physically embrace someone's burdens?
There is also a difference between burden and load. The load is the everyday stuff we all have to handle, like paying bills, feeling lonely, bad weather, the things everyone endures.
However a burden is different. Burdens are those unexpected things that get added to the everyday load. Like a tragic accident, loss of a job, death in the family, the things that come along suddenly and very unexpectedly.
Well, the sermon gives some how to's, but suffice it to say, whenever I see someone carrying their load I think of Galatians 6:2 and wonder how I am doing with carrying my own load and the burdens of others. Just a little something to think about.
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