What drives a single woman to leave her job, her family and friends, the comfort of the states, and come to a country and serve 30 children 24/7 for six months? What kind of woman gives up her car, shopping malls, and freedom for a MAPS budget but little else? What sort of woman brings her belongings but doesn't take anything home except a pocketful of memories and a suitcase full of Jamaican love? What makes a woman say, I don't know what you need, but if you tell me I will do everything in my power to assist you. What kind of woman sacrifices and goes beyond the call of duty to minister to kids with all kinds of "orphanage" issues? How does an American woman lose more sleep over the disparity of the children than the rats running over head?
I met such a woman. Becke Medina arrived in Jamaica, November 2009 and left May 1, 2010. She served with excellence at the New Vision Children's home the entire time she was here. She had a passion to invest in the children and teenagers, as a matter of fact, she called her "kids" World Changers! She spoke destiny into their lives on a continual basis. She tutored them in their school subjects, she raised up a team of the older kids to actually lead Children's Church and wow, they are great. They even had an invitation at a local church to do a program on Easter Monday.
Becke didn't come onto the property to do a "job", she mentored these children. She ate with them, played with them, prayed with them, served God with them,served the Jamaican leadership with purpose and distinction.
How did she accomplish so much in just six months? Becke had drive, inner motivation, purpose, a positive work ethic. She wasn't looking for reward, renumeration, or a title. She served the children with an automatic outflow and overflow of love for Christ.
I commend Becke today as I did while she was here. I miss our times together. I miss the laughter, I miss taking her to the store, I miss our talks, I miss her sisterhood with Renee, I miss her physical presence.
By now, after all these years, I should be used to people coming and going into my life, but sometimes you meet a friend that you just don't want to let go.
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