We power packed Ryan's last weekend and enjoyed every minute of it, except of course our goodbye. On Saturday we celebrated daddy's 55th birthday and did our Christmas card photo shoot. On Sunday we started early for our trip to Kingston and ate a delightful lunch at TGIF. It has become a tradition to eat at the TGIF in Kingston whenever Ryan is here. We are quickly associating that resturaunt with departures though and that is not so fun.

We are in the rainy season of Jamaica's weather pattern. From April to November, rain comes nearly everyday. Sometimes hard, sometimes pleasant. Hard to get the laundry done though. I have to put everything out on the line and when it rains it is really hard to get everything dry in the humid house. But so be it. I had prayed for a couple months before Ryan came that God would give us sunny days for our many excursions. He did it! When we had the hard rains we were here at the house in between trips! We lost electricity while Ry was here, which isn't unusual. Sometimes there are island wide shutoffs, other times just the city will shut down electricity and, of course, other times lightning strikes. Our tv has been hit 3 times. Our modem was hit last week and we were out of phone and iternet for 3 days. On one of our trips we went through flooding and that was quite exciting for someone who doesn't live here!

We had lots of fun at TGIF and then on to the airport for saying good-bye.


It is so bitterweet to say good-bye to Ryan. We are thrilled for the opportunity he has had to go to college and all the experiences that have grown him into a wonderful man, however, we miss him so much that when we have him, we don't want to let him go.

We let you go but we can't wait till December till you, my sweetheart, come back to JAMROCK!