It seems surreal actually that this last week we walked through difficult times. It seems peculiar that I have a "grampies funeral" file folder for photos. It doesn't seem possible that for 2 weeks tomorrow Grampie Seler has a new home... heaven. It is indeed shoutin' time for him! He is with Nana, his bride of 64 years. My in laws loved to dance and I am delighted that Dad chose the song "Shoutin time in Heaven" to be played at the funeral. It is so appropriate. You see my father in law couldn't always dance for joy. He had a difficult life. For these past 32 years that I have been in the Seler clan, I have heard alot of history. He was born into a home nearly 90 years ago. It was, as we are aware today, a very dysfunctional home. This family had 3 boys. Edwin, Paul and Elmer. Elmer seemed to have been the black sheep of the family and was mistreated by his parents. When you hear people's stories it is very easy to understand why they make certain choices. Not to excuse them, but simply to understand. Dad Seler became an alcoholic and dealt with many issues in his own life. Just before I came into the family my father in law was born again! Born again to the point where he was delivered immediately from habits that were destructive. He has a beautiful testimony and was never afraid to share it.
Mom Seler passed away September 7, 2006, Dad passed away November 7. Mom was buried on September 11, Dad was almost buried on November 11, but actually was delayed till the 12th. It was so appropriate that Veteran's Day was celebrated on the 11th as Dad was a WWII vet. One of the photos above I love so much because it shows the American flag, the flowers and the cross. This is a picture of Dad Seler. He was so proud to be a vet. He reminded his pastor of the many times and ways our American freedom could be honored in church. He was patriotic. I love that about him.
The flowers that were sent to the church were to me absolutely stunning. Fall is a beautiful time to pass! The flowers were to me a picture of the beauty Christ brought into Dad's life when he was born again. He was a happy Christian. The cross is representation of the freedom Dad found in his salvation. Perfect no...striving to be Christlike...yes.
The wake and the service were beautiful. Death is not morbid for the beleiver. How Denny preached both his moms and dads funeral is past me. I don't beleive I could ever do that. He honored them to the max with how much care he gave their services. He is my hero. Both Ryan and Renee played violin solos for Grampie. Ryan had the opportunity to play for him while he was literally dying in the nursing home just days before the service. I thought it especially fitting that he combined 2 songs, a portion of the one he had played for his Nana 3 years ago. Holy Holy Holy and Adoration. Renee played Amazing Grace with Canon in D. Both were composed, sensitive and broken hearted all at the same time.
The graveside service was completely awesome. The color guard, the flag, the playing of Taps....oh my it was so emotional and so very beautiful. In the last 3 months Dad had 2 new homes. He loved the nursing home where he was placed when they found the cancer and now his second home...heaven...boy would I love a first hand report!
Denny and Ryan were able to see Dad in his new home when they went to his bedside to say goodbye. They remained until his passing of course and then when Renee and I finally arrived a day before the wake, Den took us to the home. They loved Dad there. We cried with those whom he left behind. Dad made a difference in the short time that he lived there. When Mom passed away, Dad didn't understand why he was left, but he told Jesus, "as long as I am here I will pray for anyone you bring to mind" and boy did he! I will miss his prayers, I will miss his words, I will miss the spirit in which he prayed. He pulled Ryan close to him when he was dying and prayed for him. Can you imagine the power of that prayer. Den said that when he was dying, it was as though he was living in 2 worlds. You could see that yes he was here on earth but it was as if his spirit was already in heaven. What a story, what a legacy he left. I love my in-laws. I miss them severely already.
My tribute to Dad is I will continue to pray like he prayed, for anyone, at anytime, anywhere. I wonder if he is singing and dancing with Nana tonight...
I will arise and go to Jesus
He will embrace me in His arms
In the arms of Christ my Savior
Oh there are 10,000 charms
It's shoutin' time in Heaven
A sinner once lost is found
It's shoutin' time in Heaven
Salvation has been brought down
No wonder the angels rejoice to know
My sins have been covered by the crimson flow
And now I'm feeling fine
I'm walking on the highway with my Lord
My name is written down in the courts above
It's shoutin' time in heaven